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Jokowi Presiden RI ke 7


Jokowi Presiden Indonesia ke 7 periode 2014-2019

Gubernur Jakarta pro-reformasi, Joko Widodo dinyatakan sebagai pemenang pemilihan presiden dan akan memimpin Indonesia berikutnya, setelah melewati pemilu paling keras dan kotor setelah era reformasi.

Di tengah tekanan kubu Prabowo Subianto untuk menunda hasil pemilu, dan diikuti penarikan diri dari seluruh proses satu jam menjelang pengumuman, Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) akhirnya mengumumkan bahwa Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla terpilih sebagai presiden dan wakil presiden Indonesia untuk lima tahun ke depan.

Jokowi Joko Widodo Presiden

Joko Widodo (Jokowi ) Presiden RI ke-7 periode 2014-2019 (Credit: Reuters)

Berdasarkan perhitungan resmi KPU, pasangan Joko Widodo.Jusuf Kalla meraih 53,1 persen suara, unggul dibanding pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Radjasa yang meraih 46,9 persen suara.

Kubu Prabowo menolak melanjutkan proses pemungutan suara dan memerintahkan seluruh saksi dari pihaknya untuk mundur dari proses KPU.

”Kami menolak hasil pemilihan presiden 2014 yang cacat hukum, dan karena itu kami menarik diri dari proses yang sedang berlangsung,” kata Prabowo yang memberikan konferensi pers tanpa didampingi calon wakilnya Hatta Radjasa. Prabowo beralasan pemilihan umum ini berlangsung tidak demokratis, dan karenanya ia tidak bersedia ikut melanjutkan tahapan Pilpres.

“Kami, Prabowo-Hatta, siap menang dan siap kalah dengan cara yang demokratis dan terhormat,” kata Prabowo sambil meminta para pendukungnya agar tetap tenang.

“Karena yakinlah, kami tidak akan diam dan membiarkan hak demokrasi kita diambil,” kata Prabowo didampingi para ketua umum partai pendukungnya.
Hasil hitung cepat sejumlah lembaga survei yang dikenal kredibel, sebelumnya memenangkan Jokowi.

Dalam pemilihan presiden 2014, Indonesia dihadapkan pada dua pilihan yang sangat mencolok, antara Gubernur Jakarta Jokowi yang lahir dari tradisi baru kepemimpinan nasional yang tidak punya kaitan dengan era Suharto, berhadapan dengan bekas jenderal pasukan khusus, Prabowo Subianto, yang dianggap sebagai representasi elit politik era Orde Baru yang memiliki catatan masa lalu dalam soal pelanggaran hak asasi manusia.

Kemenangan Jokowi membuka tradisi baru, karena ia lahir dari keluarga miskin, bukan kalangan elit. Para investor juga banyak berharap Jokowi yang dikenal sebagai sosok bersih, akan menjadi pemenang, karena diharapkan bakal melakukan reformasi di Indonesia yang dikenal paling korup di dunia.

Sumber: dw.de / ab/hp (afp,ap,rtr)


Jakarta Governor Wins Indonesian Presidency

Jakarta Gov. Joko Widodo, who captured the hearts of millions of Indonesians with his common man image, was declared the winner Tuesday of the country’s presidential election, calling it a victory for all of the nation’s people.

A former furniture exporter known to most as “Jokowi,” Widodo was the first candidate in a direct presidential election in Indonesia with no ties to the former dictator Suharto, who ruled for 30 years before being overthrown in 1998.

“This is a victory for all Indonesian people,” Widodo, who received 53 percent of the vote, according to the Election Commission, said in a televised speech. “We hope this victory will pave the way to build Indonesia to be an independent economy.”

The other contender in the July 9 election, former Gen. Prabowo Subianto, declared he was withdrawing from the contest shortly before the final numbers were released by the commission, saying there was massive fraud during the election, and that it was unfair and undemocratic.

Indonesia is a sprawling archipelago of about 17,000 islands and 240 million people, and the commission needed two weeks to count all the votes.

Widodo had maintained a slim lead of about 4 percentage points in unofficial “quick counts” by polling agencies released after the election. But Subianto, who has declared assets of $140 million and was on his third bid for the presidency, repeatedly claimed that polling firms with links to his campaign showed he was ahead.

“We reject the 2014 presidential election, which is illegitimate, and therefore we withdraw from the ongoing process,” he said Tuesday.

Observers of the election said they were generally fair and free, with minimal abnormalities. Maswadi Rauf, a political professor at the University of Indonesia, said he saw no sign of significant fraud, as alleged by Subianto.

Subianto’s rejection of the results “reflects the real attitudes of the elite, who are not yet ready to accept losing,” Rauf said. “We are still in a transition to democracy, which is indeed not our culture. And what is happening indicates we are still immature, we need to learn.”

There were no immediate reports of violence Tuesday. About 100 Subianto supporters held a peaceful protest about 300 meters (yards) from the Election Commission building in downtown Jakarta, chanting “Prabowo is the real president” and holding banners saying that the commission should stop cheating.

The building was surrounded by thousands of policemen to maintain security after a particularly nasty presidential campaign marred by smear tactics from both camps. Widodo blamed his drop in opinion polls in the weeks before the election on character assaults that accused him, among other things, of not being a follower of Islam — which he denounced.

Indonesia has the world’s fourth-largest population and is the most populous Muslim country.

Despite Widodo’s lack of experience in national politics, he built a reputation as being a man of the people and an efficient leader who wants to advance democratic reforms, and was elected to run Jakarta, the capital, in 2012. He is widely viewed as untainted by the often corrupt military and business elite that have run Indonesia for decades.

Subianto, meanwhile, a general in the Suharto regime and the late dictator’s former son-in-law, came from a wealthy, well-known family. He had a dubious human rights record during his military career, but was seen as a strong and decisive leader. His campaign was better financed and he got endorsements from most of the country’s major political parties, including that of outgoing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who served two terms lasting 10 years and was constitutionally barred from seeking re-election.

Final results showed that Widodo, from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, received just under 71 million votes, or 53 percent of the more than 133 million valid ballots cast, while Subianto got 62.6 million votes, or 47 percent.

Voter turnout was 71 percent, down slightly from the 2009 presidential election, when it was 72 percent.

Source:  NINIEK KARMINI and ALI KOTARUMALOS Associated Press


Prabowo Diminta Akui Kekalahan

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang akan segera mengakhiri masa jabatan, meminta pensiunan jenderal Prabowo Subianto untuk mengakui kekalahan demi menghindari ketidakpastian politik.

Prabowo hampir pasti kalah dalam pemilihan presiden 9 Juli lalu, namun hari Minggu kemarin berteriak menuding adanya kecurangan dan menuntut Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) untuk melakukan penyelidikan sebelum ia bisa menerima hasil.

“Mengakui kekalahan adalah hal mulia,” kata Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono kepada para wartawan, mengacu kepada Prabowo.
Perselisihan berkelanjutan atas hasil pemilu dikhawatirkan bakal merusak kepercayaan dunia atas usaha negara ekonomi terbesar Asia Tenggara tersebut.

Prabowo Subianto

Prabowo Subianto (credit: Reuters)

Penghitungan ”swasta” yang dilakukan berdasarkan data KPU atas 130 juta pemilih menunjukkan bahwa gubernur Jakarta Joko Widodo menang sekitar lima persen atas Prabowo yang telah lama mempersiapkan diri untuk maju dalam pencalonan ini.

Sikap keras kepala Prabowo telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran bahwa para pendukungnya akan melakukan kekerasan dan beberapa diantaranya telah mengancam akan menggelar demonstrasi di depan kantor KPU Jakarta menjelang pengumuman resmi yang akan disampaikan 22 Juli.

Sekitar 300.000 anggota kepolisian dan TNI telah digelar di seluruh wilayah. Pasukan keamanan juga ditambah di sekitar kantor KPU.
“Kami meminta masyarakat agar tidak berkumpul di sana (kantor KPU) sehingga para pejabat KPU bisa melanjutkan pekerjaan mereka dalam suasana kondusif,“ kata juru bicara kepolisian Boy Rafli Amar.

Diperkirakan, kubu Prabowo akan menolak hasil resmi KPU dan mengajukan keberatan ke Mahkamah Konstitusi dengan alasan terjadinya kecurangan.
“Jika ada orang yang tidak menerima hasil resmi, saya menyarankan mereka untuk secara damai mengikuti jalan konstitusi,“ kata Yudhoyono, yang menerima kedua kandidat dalam acara buka puasa bersama di istana kepresidenan hari Minggu.

Para pejabat KPU mengatakan, laporan mengenai kecurangan telah diselidiki sesuai rekomendasi para pengawas pemilu. Mereka mengatakan jumlah suara yang disengketakan berjumlah ribuan.

Para pengamat memperhitungkan, butuh pembalikkan suara hingga tujuh juta pemilih untuk membuktikan bahwa Prabowo adalah pemenang pemilu.
Bersamaan dengan semakin jelasnya kekalahan Prabowo, bermunculan tanda-tanda bahwa para pendukung utamanya siap untuk meninggalkan ”koalisi permanen”, untuk bergabung ke kubu seberang.

”Pemilu telah selesai dan tugas saya juga selesai. Saya gagal memenangkan Prabowo,” kata ketua tim pemenangan kampanye Prabowo Mahfud MD.

Para anggota partai terbesar pendukung Prabowo yakni Golkar, juga kelihatannya berbalik menentang ketua umum mereka Aburizal Bakrie, yang merupakan pendukung setia Prabowo.

Sumber: dw.de / ab/hp (afp,ap,rtr)


Indonesia presidential candidate Prabowo rejects election process

Indonesian presidential election candidate Prabowo Subianto has said he is withdrawing from the election process, alleging massive fraud.

The results of the hotly-contested poll are due in the next few hours. Early projections have put Joko Widodo in the lead.

But Mr Subianto told reporters there was massive systemic fraud and vowed to challenge the results in court.

He added that his camp would not resort to violence.

Most “quick counts” after the 9 July election had placed Mr Widodo, the popular Jakarta governor, in the lead.

But his rival Mr Subianto, a former military general under Suharto, said earlier that other polls showed he had won.

The Election Commission has since been tallying votes. Outgoing President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has urged both parties to respect the result.

Security is tight for the announcement, with more than 250,000 police officers on duty across the nation.

There are fears the result could trigger violence between rival groups of supporters.

Both candidates have raised concerns about voting irregularities during the past two weeks, as ballots from nearly 500,000 polling stations have been tallied.

Reliable polls point to a win for Mr Widodo, also known as Jokowi, by about five percentage points.

Official results from the sub-district and provincial levels that have been released so far also indicate Mr Widodo has won by between three and five percentage points.

But Mr Subianto’s camp have said they will not accept official results until allegations of cheating are probed.

Mr Subianto told reporters on Sunday that if the Election Commission did not investigate possible voting fraud, that was a “crime” that “very much calls into question the legitimacy of the whole process”.

He called on the Election Commission to delay announcing the result – a request the commission rejected.


How media responded to poll rejection, BBC Monitoring

Just before 0800 GMT the breaking news website Detik.com reported that Prabowo Subianto had pulled his election observers out of the final stages of the official count and announced his rejection of the result.

At the same time, key figures in his coalition, including the leaders of the powerful Golkar Party, were urging Mr Subianto to concede defeat and abandon plans to mount a challenge through the constitutional court.

A headline on Detik.com which has been retweeted several hundred times says: “The statement rejecting the election was in Prabowo’s name alone”.

After Mr Subianto’s defiant withdrawal from the electoral process, his own spokesman, former constitutional court justice Mohammad Mahfud, resigned.

On his Facebook page, Mr Subianto continued to claim that electoral violations in Papua, East Java and Jakarta made the official result suspect, although the deficit is so great – over 8 million votes – that it would not be affected by those results being overturned.

The candidate tipped to win, Joko Widodo, told the Jakarta Globe: “I’m sure Prabowo, as a statesman, will put the national interest above all.”

On social media the mood turned against Prabowo Subianto, with one of the top trending tweets being a play on an English phrase: “Let it go Prabowo”.

The hashtag #presidenbaru (“new president”) was also a vehicle for mockery of Prabowo, with many tweets containing terms like “drama queen”, “cry baby” and “sore loser”.


The outgoing leader, Mr Yudhoyono, has called for calm, urging all Indonesians “to safeguard the final chapter of the election process”.

“It is important to value our unity, brotherhood and togetherness. When a nation is divided, to reunite is not easy,” he said at a meeting on Sunday with both candidates.

On Monday Mr Yudhoyono – whose party backs Mr Subianto – also appeared to suggest that he should accept the results, saying: “Conceding defeat is noble.”

Candidates have two weeks to appeal to the constitutional court following the announcement of official results.

About 130 million votes were cast on 9 July following an intense election campaign.

The race has been seen as a contest between new and old-style politics. Mr Widodo draws his support from the grass-roots and is unconnected to the traditional elite.

Mr Subianto, meanwhile, is the son-in-law of Suharto and has faced multiple questions over alleged human rights abuses under his regime.

Source: BBC News