Kulkas Tanpa Listrik...

Dua siswi SMA Negeri 2 Sekayu, Sumatera Selatan, yaitu Muhtaza Aziziya Syafiq dan Anjani Rahma, meraih dua penghargaan di Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) 2014 di Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat, pada 11-16 Mei 2014. Mereka melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan kulkas...

15-year-old wins Int...

Teen’s cancer research scores big at Intel ISEF competition By analyzing public databases of cancer mutations, a freshman claims Intel ISEF’s top prize An innovative statistical analysis of cancer-promoting genes could provide a new roadmap for scientists studying the disease. The...

LIPI Bentuk Pusat Pe...

LIPI Siapkan Kapal Riset Laut Mampu Tembus Kedalaman 20.000 Kaki Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) mulai mempersiapkan kapal penelitian dan riset laut dalam dengan teknologi utama sistem “echo-sounding multi-beam” yang mampu menjangkau kedalaman hingga 20.000 kaki atau...

Massage Anyone?

A THOUSAND Indonesian masseurs gather for record-breaking pampering in Bali One thousand spa therapists made a new world record by conducting a mass massage on Sanur Beach on Friday afternoon in an event called “Two thousand therapists’ hands in traditional Indonesian massage”. The...

California immigrant...

California still expects to issue drivers’ licenses by 2015 to immigrants living in the state illegally, despite a disagreement with federal officials over the design of the permits, a motor vehicle official said on Friday (May 8, 2014). “We are continuing with getting this law...

Stop Drop Out, Let K...

To stop so many students dropping out of high school, Indonesia will let kids study online instead While there are a lot of concerns about Indonesia’s IT teaching in schools, today there’s some good news about the Indonesian government embracing technology in the public education system....

Legal Aid Delivers J...

Millions of poor and marginalized Indonesians live without the full protection of the law. Securing access to justice for these citizens is a vital component of reducing poverty and vulnerability and delivering democratic governance. In July 2013, Indonesia launched a nationally funded legal...

Study trip to build ...

Indonesia is New Zealand’s nearest Asian neighbour, the world’s fourth most populous country, and has a rapidly growing economy. But it barely features in New Zealand’s education system – and the Asia New Zealand Foundation has launched a new initiative to help change this. Eight...

Perempuan Petani Ind...

Pada saat Indonesia diharapkan akan memulai pertumbuhan yang signifikan, perempuan di Indonesia justru semakin meningkat pengaruhnya di bidang pertanian. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas dan meningkatkan pertanian di Indonesia, perempuan petani asal Australia diminta untuk berbagi pengetahuan...

FREE College Tuition

One Michigan City Is Sending Kids To College Tuition-Free Paying for college presents a tremendous hurdle to many families, from wading through paperwork and navigating financial aid to understanding the long-term implications of college debt. But what if the city you lived in footed the bill...

Nuclear Education in...

Indonesia plans to build its first nuclear power plant (NPP) to solve the country’s energy problems. It needs fully-skilled human resources in the field of nuclear technology. The Department of Engineering Physics at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, is the only university department...

Indonesians Vote in ...

Indonesians are voting in a parliamentary election that will have a big influence on the country’s presidential poll later this year. Over 186 million people are registered to cast ballots in the Wednesday vote. About 30 percent of them are young people, many of whom are voting for the...

Hats off to Indonesi...

On the 9th, Indonesians go to the polls to elect 560 members of the House of Representatives (as well as 132 to the Regional Representatives Council, which has also to approve matters of regional interest) from among 6,680 candidates. This is a major event in the world’s third largest...

The Fight to Save In...

Indigenous Dayak communities are in a battle to preserve ancestral forests. Amidst rapidly accelerating countrywide deforestation in Indonesia, indigenous Dayak communities in Borneo, Central Kalimantan, are fighting to stave off oil palm plantations from clearing their traditional forests. In...

Layak Punya Suara Se...

Pengamat Demokrasi: Perempuan Layak Punya Suara Setara dalam Proses Pembuatan Keputusan Michelle Bekkering, Resident Country Director untuk program Indonesia dari Internasional Republican Institute, atau IRI, sebuah lembaga non pemerintah dan nirlaba yang berkantor pusat di Washington DC...

KPU Ingin Negara Lai...

Dalam paparannya di hadapan 35 duta besar di Jakarta hari Selasa (1/4), anggota Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), Ferry Kurnia Rizkiyansyah mengatakan KPU akan mengundang para duta besar untuk hadir di TPS saat pemilu legislatif berlangsung, 9 April mendatang. Bahkan KPU juga tidak berkeberatan...

Kwasi Enin The Boy G...

He has a straight-A average. He scored in the 99th percentile on his SAT. And he’s a shot putter, viola player and a cappella singer. Kwasi Enin said his ‘passion’ got him accepted at every Ivy League school Enin, a senior at William Floyd High School in Mastic, turned into an...

Bali ‘quiet...

The annually observed and uniquely Balinese Hindu Day of Silence, Nyepi, is generally met with a positive response from foreign visitors spending time on the island during the occasion. Ketut Ardana, chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tour and Travel Agencies (ASITA) Bali, shared with...

Omed Omedan: Tradisi...

Setelah tapa berata penyepian, muda mudi Banjar Banjar Kaja Sesetan,  Kecamatan Denpasar Selatan, memiliki cara unik dalam meluapkan kegembiraan. Mereka meluapkannya dengan menggelar tradisi omed-omedan yang ditingkaki aksi ciuman. Omed-omedan merupakan sebuah tradisi budaya adiluhung dan...

Rearview camera is r...

Rear-facing cameras will be required in most new automobiles and light trucks beginning in 2018 to help prevent drivers from backing over anyone behind their vehicle under a federal rule issued Monday, a day before a court hearing on the issue. The U.S. Department of Transportation policy...

Mesabatan Api: Battl...

The sun had already set over the western horizon when numerous young men started playing gamelan at a high-pitched tempo. While in front of Banjar Nagi community center, two youth were busy burning coconut husks to set the fires. The situation was on the edge when the lights were turned off....

Belajar Online MOOC

Ingin belajar bahasa Inggris di UC Berkeley sambil belajar komputer di MIT juga belajar ahli hukum di Harvard dan belajar ekonomi di Yale saat yang bersamaan dan tanpa bayar? Pendidikan adalah hak dasar bagi semua orang. Meskipun pada prakteknya menjadi hak istimewa bagi sebagian orang saja....

Still Know Nothing A...

Indonesia is gearing up for its third national general election in April 2014 for legislative and in July 2014 for Presidential election. Political parties have been vigorously campaigning through the various media channels, and likewise each legislative hopeful (‘caleg’) is in their...

Indonesia Bisa Menga...

Diperkirakan sekitar 321 juta jiwa penduduk Indonesia akan mengalami kelangkaan air bersih pada tahun 2025. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang tidak sebanding dengan ketersediaan air dan perilaku masyarakat yang boros air menjadi penyebab utamanya. Berdasarkan data dari Indonesia Water Institute, pada...

Lewat Konser 1 Juta ...

Ada banyak anak Indonesia yang cerdas dan punya cita-cita tinggi, namun mimpi itu tak bisa diraih hanya karena tak punya biaya sekolah. Melalui program One Million Dreams Concert (OMDC) yang sudah digelar serentak di 10 kota, Telkomsel membantu mewujudkannya. Hari ini Telkomsel menyerahkan...

Walters ’14 Receives...

Martha Walters ’14, of North Grafton, Mass., has received a Fulbright research grant for the 2014-15 academic year to study organic farming trends and influences in Indonesia. This will be the third consecutive year that Walters will travel to Indonesia, following two years conducting summer...

Fiesta Fatahillah Ma...

The opening of the three-day Fiesta Fatahillah on Thursday evening marked a new chapter in the efforts of the city administration and communities to revitalize the Old Town area.   The enthusiasm of hundreds of people gathered in Fatahillah Square during the opening of the fiesta and at...

Iim Fahima Jachja is...

Iim Fahima Jachja from Indonesia has been chosen as one of Young Global Leader 2014 by World Economic Forum. As mentioned in World Economic Forum press release today all Young Global Leaders were drawn from a pool of over 2,000 candidates who were evaluated by Heidrick & Struggles and...

AS Danai Program Kon...

Kerjasama AS-Indonesia dilakukan diantaranya untuk memperkuat kapasitas penegakan hukum, dan memerangi penjarahan serta perdagangan satwa liar ilegal. Amerika Serikat memberi dana US$750 ribu untuk membantu program konservasi badak di Indonesia, yang merupakan kelanjutan dari kesepakatan...

Penduduk LA Atasi Ke...

Kota Los Angeles di Amerika dikenal padat dengan pengemudi mobil karena kota itu terbentang luas dan transportasi publik sangat terbatas. Sekelompok pengguna sepeda ingin mengubah budaya berkendara mobil itu dengan program yang disebut LA Bike Trains. Para pengemudi mobil mengatakan sepeda...